Sesame Seeds: Contraindications, Benefits And Properties

If you are looking for a food that is the most complete in nutrient contributions; and that it also gives you calcium, because you can’t drink cow’s milk; and not satisfied with that, that this food serves to introduce it in your recipes and also for other benefits; Although it may seem difficult, if not impossible, to believe that everything can be achieved in just one; that food exists and is known as sesame seeds, the best alternative you can take for your well-being and health.

They are small, and squashed, three different colors for each type of sesame plant; they measure two to four millimeters by one or two millimeters wide. They have enough proteins, and minerals, in addition to fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6; its flavor is very mild, which allows you to eat them with other products such as yogurt, or other foods.

You need to know everything about this seed, since, among its benefits, its wonderful slimming power stands out; Its properties for the skin, also increases the production of breast milk, not to mention that if you have small breasts, it will increase the size of your bust. You will find this and more throughout this article.

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What other names does it receive?

The sesame seed is also known as Sesame , and by its scientific name Sesamum Indicum L. Regardless of its varieties, these are the names it commonly receives, to differentiate them simply refer to the color of the seeds: white, black and brown or whole .

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Origin of sesame seeds

Its origin is located in two regions, in central Africa and in India, then it spread through the Mediterranean basin. The African slaves introduced it to America, since sesame seeds were their source of food, they used them to thicken and accompany the little they ate and thus obtain the nutrients and calories that forced labor made them lose quickly.

Sesame seeds characteristics

They are characterized by being the first known oilseeds; they come from the sesame plant, they are tiny, and contain oils, in greater quantity compared to other seeds; its flavor is mild, similar to that of walnut, but that intensifies when toasted at a low temperature; their color will depend on the type of crop, as they vary from white seeds, black seeds and brown seeds or known as integral.

The white and brown seeds have more medicinal uses, while the black ones are used for home recipes, and for oil extraction because their flavor is stronger than the other two varieties.

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Benefits and properties of sesame seeds

The sesame seed has a rich source of nutrients and phytonutrients such as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids that your body does not produce, also phenolic antioxidants and flavonoids, it also contains vitamins and fibers that prevent different diseases and keep you healthy. Among the benefits of this seed are:

They are good for the anemia , especially those of black color, have large amounts of iron, which will help you if you feel weak or have anemia; it also maintains your cardiovascular health thanks to the antioxidant known as sesamol, and for its anti-inflammatory compounds; oleic and monounsaturated acids help reduce bad cholesterol, and increase good cholesterol that does not adhere to the walls of the veins and arteries.

Other benefits that this tiny food provides is to prevent cancer , due to its magnesium content, which has anti-cancer properties and phytate, which performs the same anti-cancer function, especially the colorectal. In turn, they will help you with problems in the digestive system and the colon, due to the amount of fibers it provides, it helps you regulate intestinal function and prevents constipation.

Thanks to minerals such as copper, it reduces pain and inflammation associated with arthritis, provides resistance to blood vessels, also to joints and bones. Another mineral like magnesium will help you with asthma and any respiratory disease because it prevents spasms in the airways.

Sesame seeds are also popular because they support your oral health through the reduction of dental plaque and also whiten your teeth . They also reverse the effects of alcohol by helping the liver to break them down, eliminating that and other toxic substances. At the same time, these sesame or sesame seeds are used for stress , for their minerals that regulate muscles and relax you, while thiamine, a vitamin B1, is responsible for having a calming effect and tryptophan an amino acid that participates in obtaining serotonin , this neurotransmitter regulates your sleep patterns.

The benefits that sesame seeds do not end here, because as I mentioned before, it reduces bad cholesterol, thanks to substances known as sesamin and sesamolin, which have a cholesterol-lowering effect, also phytosterols fulfill this function and these seeds compared to nuts have the highest content. And it also has slimming properties that I will present to you below:

Used to lose weight

You are eager to lose weight without starving; generally weight loss diets deprive you of many foods rich in carbohydrates and nutrients that give you energy. Sesame seeds are indicated for you to achieve your goal of losing those extra kilos, without having to sacrifice your appetite or your emotional state.

The fibers they contain, both soluble and insoluble, will lead you to improve intestinal mobility and thus purify your body by eliminating excess fat, on the other hand, it gives you a feeling of being full or satiety, when eating the seeds, they will reduce hunger, and therefore, by eating less, you could lose weight more quickly without losing the nutrients that your body requires daily.

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Multiple benefits for the skin

The antioxidants contained in sesame seeds provide multiple benefits for your skin. The omega-6 fatty acids , calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron plus vitamins B and E, will provide protection from exposure to the sun or weather damaging your delicate skin, to the same as the effects of water of swimming pools and also prevents wrinkles , and maintains flexibility and smoothness, reduces acne, cleanses and regenerates scars.

Increase breast milk production

It increases the production of breast milk thanks to the fact that it fills the milk ducts in case they are empty, or take time to fill. And it also increases calcium , reduces stress on the mother, which also favors production and provides essential proteins that will meet the demand when breastfeeding.

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Good for people with diabetes and hypertension

The sesamin, sesamol and oryzanol that sesame seeds contain, help reduce blood pressure and are also good for people with diabetes because of magnesium and other nutrients that prevent and fight diabetes by lowering the level of glucose in the blood.

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To increase the bust?

If you have a small bust, the solution is simpler than you think, you should only consume sesame seeds because it has properties that will help you increase its size.

You can consume it in roasted seeds, adding them to other food and also use the oil to massage your breasts and accelerate their growth. This is due to the estrogen hormone that sesame seeds contain.

They are a source of calcium, good for osteoporosis

One of the main characteristics of sesame seeds, which makes them popular for bone care; It is its rich source of calcium, and in addition to this mineral it also contains zinc, both contribute to bone mineral density, preventing osteoporosis, and strengthening bones.

It is important that you know that for every one hundred grams of peeled and roasted sesame seeds you will get 1200 milligrams of calcium, which makes it a good option if you cannot drink cow’s milk; Later we will teach you how to make sesame seed milk.

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Recommended for hemorrhoids

The pressure of the veins in the hemorrhoidal area is relieved with these sesame seeds for their anti-inflammatory power, in addition to their contribution in fibers, you will be free of constipation; one of the reasons why the veins could break when trying to defecate due to the force you exert.

You must make a sesame seed puree and apply directly to the hemorrhoids, it will reduce the pain and they will also reduce inflammation.

They help people who suffer from irritable bowel

If you are one of the people who suffer from irritable bowel; then you should start including sesame seeds in your daily diet, because soluble fibers help you to eliminate toxins and lighten intestinal transit and by absorbing primary minerals that when not absorbed, will induce this disease at any of its levels.

White, black and whole sesame seeds

You already know the variety of sesame seeds that there are, but you don’t know the differences between them, the black ones, the white ones and the brown ones or whole grains are all from the sesame plant, but what differentiates them besides the Colour?

The black seeds contain more iron than the white ones, so they are ideal for patients with iron deficiency anemia, also in case of physical and mental exhaustion, while those of brown or integral color contain more fibers than the others and are used for constipation, among other gastrointestinal diseases; and finally, white sesame seeds contain higher unsaturated fat content, which is why they are recommended to fight cholesterol.

So when summarizing the information the difference is that; the black ones have more iron, the brown ones have more fibers and the white ones, more fat. Be that as it may, the ideal is that you consume them raw and ground, or toasted but being careful not to overdo it because you would eliminate their nutrients, since they are altered by the heat. You should consume it preferably ground so that your body can absorb them because otherwise they will not be well assimilated and you will expel them through the fecal matter.

Daily amount of sesame seeds

There is no information that the seeds have produced a side effect due to their excess in daily consumption, however the saying goes that “everything in excess hurts” so it is better to prevent and limit yourself to three tablespoons a day or 25 grams.

Are sesame seeds the same as other edible seeds?

The seeds have some differences both in size and color as well as in nutritional contributions, as it varies according to the species, to the kind of seed. However, their similarities are the ones that matter the most, because each of them is to benefit your health, and make your body work in a balanced way, thanks to the large amount of nutrients and substances that are concentrated in edible seeds. The contributions are even higher than those of nuts in some cases.

Edible seeds have fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6, which contribute to the proper functioning of the immune system and maintain proper neuronal activity; They contain vitamins E and B, benefiting the skin and delaying cellular aging, as well as improving metabolism, in the case of group B vitamins.

Likewise, edible seeds have similarity in terms of the contribution of fibers and natural substances, as well as antioxidants , which favor oxidation diseases, and the fibers ensure proper intestinal function.

For this reason, it is not the differences that matter so much, but the similarities that the seeds have, that after all if you decide to include it in your diet, you will choose them for the one that will bring the most benefits to your body. To make your decision a bit easier, I will introduce you to some differences between sesame seeds, chia seeds, and sunflower seeds.

Differences between sesame, chia and sunflower seeds

The chia seed has a high percentage of fatty acids 82%, comparing with sesame and sunflower , including omega 3 and omega 6, special to decrease inflammation, prevent problems in the nervous system and cardiovascular diseases ; Besides, chia seeds contain antioxidants and fibers, components of the other two seeds in question. Fiber is soluble in water, which means that when you soak it for a few minutes, it will be wrapped in a substance known as mucilage, which makes it suitable for the digestive process.

Like sesame seeds, it contains calcium, is rich in potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, and is a substantial source of group B vitamins, which intervene in cell growth and strengthen the immune system, as well as protect your heart. Oil is extracted from this, and you can make vegetable milk as well.

As for the sunflower seeds , is high in phosphorus and magnesium , one helps the formation of teeth and bones, and in the formation of cellular tissue, while the other, helps to absorb calcium and works on the nervous system ; They are also a source of vitamin E, it is cholesterol regulator and vasodilator. Like chia seeds, they provide omega 6, and also folic acid, making them useful in pregnancy, not only for that, but also because it is rich in calcium. They have a valuable content of thiamine, this acts on the nervous system.

Finally the sesame seeds, our protagonists, since you know them I will summarize their properties a little; Like chia and sunflower seeds, it contains omega 6 and thiamine; it also contains riboflavin, a natural regenerator of the cornea, which maintains good vision, and among the three, sesame is the one that contains the most calcium.

Vitamin E, minerals and fibers are part of this seed, but the lecithin content is what differentiates it from the others , because it is higher, it serves to facilitate the dissolution of fats and prevent nervous exhaustion.

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Sesame seeds contraindications

Contraindications are mainly focused on possible allergic reactions, completely contraindicated for people who have ever had a reaction to both seeds and nuts .

On the other hand, it is considered contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy due to a conventional belief, which science does not deny or support.

Are they used to abort?

In India, sesame seeds are considered heat producing, which could alter the natural balance of women who are in condition, and more if they are in the first trimester.

It is believed that the heat produced by the seeds in the body could increase the risk of premature labor and miscarriage .

Can they cause allergies?

These seeds contain an allergen that is also found in peanuts , so if you have already had a reaction with this nut, you will surely have it with sesame seeds.

If you have a dermatitis when using a product derived from these seeds, or hives, allergic rhinitis (sneezing usually), asthma and in severe cases anaphylaxis then eliminate the consumption of the seeds immediately.

Culinary uses of sesame seeds

The sesame seed has a pleasant, light flavor, depending on the color you want for your recipes, it does not matter because its contributions will be almost the same, in this case it will depend on the presentation you want, if you want a bread with black seeds or with seeds brown, and in the elaboration of milk it is preferable to use the white seeds.

How to consume them?

You can consume them in salads, in sauces, in yogurts, raw or toasted; simply with water or juice; preferably ground, and chew it well so that your body can absorb it. Here are some recipes, which are an excellent way to consume sesame seeds.

How to prepare sesame seed milk?

This milk is much more effective than cow’s milk, it provides more calcium , and it does not give you gastrointestinal problems.


  • Have 100 grams of sesame seed on hand
  • and two cups of water


Place them in a deep glass and let them rest for about eight hours. They alone will make the milk, then after that time you should strain the liquid and store in the fridge so that you can consume it cold preferably. Do not discard the seeds as they could be used for another recipe.

Homemade bread with sesame seeds

To make homemade bread with sesame seeds, you need:


  • 10 ml olive accepted,
  • 17 salt,
  • 200 ml milk,
  • 150 ml water,
  • 2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds,
  • 500 grams of strong wheat flour,
  • 3-5 grams of sugar,
  • 7 grams of fresh yeast.


Proceed to mix the ingredients, half a cup of wheat flour, together with two tablespoons of each of the ingredients, pour the water little by little and knead, the salt will be the last.

Once the dough is ready, cover it and let it rest for half an hour or an hour, when it doubles its volume it begins to shape your loaves, heat the oven to 200 ° C, place the loaves on a tray and when they are almost double the volume afterwards to shape them, bake them for about 25 minutes and when they cool down, sprinkle them with the sesame seeds.

Chicken with sesame seeds


  • 1 cup of chicken broth,
  • half cup water,
  • half a cup of soy sauce,
  • ¼ cup of honey,
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch,
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil,
  • two or three boneless, skinless chicken breasts.


  • 1 tablespoon sesame seed oil,
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tablespoon minced ginger,
  • 1 pinch of pepper


  • three egg whites,
  • cup and a half cornstarch,
  • Half cup of flour
  • half a tablespoon of baking soda.


  • olive oil,
  • sesame seeds to taste,
  • chopped chives also to taste.


Ready the ingredients grouped separately, you are going to proceed to mix in the chicken broth, with the water, the soy sauce, the honey, the cornstarch and the sesame oil, itself, mix the first ingredients that we describe to you to marinate , marinate the chicken there for at least half an hour , but even better if you can keep it in the fridge overnight.

While the chicken is marinating, prepare the sauce by frying the ingredients that we told you in the second place. Beat the egg whites and in another plate mix the cornstarch with the flour and baking soda.

To finish, heat a deep frying pan with the oil, take the chicken and pass it through the beaten eggs, then through the cornstarch mixture and begin to fry until golden brown, then add the garlic and ginger sauce, and to close the clasp de oro garnish with as many sesame seeds and chives as you like.

Commercial uses of sesame seeds

These seeds are widely used in cooking and baking, it is used for sushi, salads and some varieties of bread. Its most popular use for trade is oil.

Sesame seed oil

This vegetable oil from sesame seeds has a mild and pleasant flavor and aroma; a smooth texture too. It provides the same benefits as seeds but with certain advantages.

Among those benefits we find that it is a good anti-inflammatory, a natural source of antioxidants, and is an ally for beauty, for your hair it is excellent as a conditioner, and for your skin, it helps you in sunburns, including for the skin. It is recommended to protect the baby from rashes in the diaper areas.

Sesame Seeds Nutrition Facts

For every 100 g of edible portion

Energy (Kcal) 614Proteins (g) 18.2
Total lipids (g) 58Saturated AG (g) 8.3
Monounsaturated FA (g) 21.7Polyunsaturated FA (g) 25.5
Carbohydrates (g) 0.9Fiber (g) 7.9
Water (g) 15Calcium (mg) 670
Iron (mg) 10.4Magnesium (mg) 370
Zinc (mg) 5.3Sodium (mg) 20
Potassium (mg) 570Phosphorus (mg) 720
Thiamine (mg) 0.93Riboflavin (mg) 0.17
Niacin equivalents (mg) 5Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.75
Folates (µg) 97Retinol (µg) 1 0.1
Vitamin E (mg) 2.53

Glycemic index

The glycemic index of sesame seeds is 35.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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