Spinach: Contraindications, Side Effects, Benefits, Types And Uses

Spinach is one of the vegetables whose properties, vitamins and minerals can be great for improving your health , the amount of benefits it has makes it can be compared even with meat, although unlike this, spinach does not contain any type of calories or fat. It is very rich in beta-carotene and phytonutrients, it also contains lutein, which makes it an antioxidant that can protect you from cell damage. It should be noted that its stem is the area of ​​the spinach that has the most fiber .

The scientific name that has been given to it is Spinacea Oleracea, it is also part of the family of amaranths and quenopodiodeaceas , in which quinoa, and beet and chard are also part. They can be grown in temperate climates, and it is known that China and the United States are two of the countries that are responsible for producing this vegetable, since they are always available throughout the year.

Origin and history of spinach

The first time this plant was harvested, it was made in Persia , and from there its name was derived to Esfenaj. Later, the Arabs brought this plant to Spain around the 11th century. The writer and agronomist Ibn-al-Awwam, determined in the 12th and 13th centuries that this could be one of the best vegetables.

Is it known by other names? What are they?

The common name given to this vegetable is: Spinach, Spinach , Spinafré. And the scientific name or as many say, Latin is Spinacia oleracea.

Spinach characteristics

These are some of the characteristics that we can observe in spinach:

  • You can usually find them on the coast, or in some saline terrain.
  • It is formed from a stem, which is branched and measures approximately 15 cm.
  • From this stem a group of leaves emerge whose shape can be smooth or curly, and can measure about 20 cm. All this will depend on the quality with which it has been grown.
  • The leaves are grouped in a circular way, whose color is usually a dark green and very bright.

How is spinach grown?

The best thing about spinach is that you can grow it in your own garden . If what you want is to be able to grow your own spinach, these are the steps you must follow in order to do so:

  1. Spinach seeds should be sown directly into the ground, and their depth should be about 2 centimeters.
  2. You should make a row of at least 12 inches apart.
  3. As the plants appear they should be approximately 10 centimeters apart if you place it in a direct garden. But if you have them in pots, it must have at least a radius of 20 centimeters between each of the plants.
  4. It usually grows better in those soils that can be humid, however it can grow in any type of soil with the exception that it has enough organic matter.
  5. It should be noted that these soils cannot have a pH greater than 6.7, since normally spinach can grow much better in soils whose pH is about 6-6.5.
  6. As an additional tip, if the soil in your garden or in your pot is very acidic, you can add a little lime to neutralize this.

What food group does spinach belong to?

Spinach is a food that belongs to the group of fresh vegetables .

Now you will find information about all the good benefits that it can bring for you, in addition to knowing all its nutrients and how it can help you fight different types of diseases.

How much spinach can you consume per day?

There is no problem in eating spinach every day, the consumption of this does not bring any side effects or any problem that may affect your health. Now, something that you should not stop doing is stop consuming other healthy foods due to the fact that you are consuming spinach, it is necessary that you have a balanced diet where you include the other foods that will improve your health.

Benefits and contraindications of spinach

These are the benefits that spinach can provide for you:

Is it true that it produces gases? Why?

Spinach contains large amounts of iron, and many other minerals that are very good for the body, it also has large amounts of fiber. But consuming too much of this can cause gas , because as it is high in fiber, it can be very difficult to digest, so gas can begin to appear.

This happens because these foods cannot break down completely when the digestion process begins, so it is normal for gas and bloating to appear after eating a large amount of spinach.

Effects during pregnancy, is it good or bad?

This is one of the best vegetables that a pregnant woman can consume , since they have a large amount of folic acid, which is a vitamin that must be taken during pregnancy to protect the baby from suffering from some kind of congenital malformation during its gestation.

In addition, folic acid has the ability to regenerate new tissues , and this does so in both the baby and the mother. On the other hand, spinach has vitamin A , lutein, beta carotene and zeaxanthin, which can help the fatty areas of the body to be fully protected.

The consumption of these nutrients are really important because they can help in the postpartum period as they repair the damage caused in childbirth. And they can also enrich breast milk that helps protect your baby’s eyes. Besides, the vitamin K it contains improves the baby’s bone development, and at the same time, the vitamin C it contains improves that it can absorb iron much better .

How does it benefit for gastritis?

Gastritis is a fairly common disorder that occurs in the digestive system . Another type of gastritis that can appear but is a bit more serious is chronic gastritis, this can greatly limit the person who suffers from it. This is due to irritation of the gastric mucosa, which is normally caused by a bad habit of eating.

The spinach leaves can cause great relief , they work almost as a reliever from heartburn or heartburn. And that also as they have calcium and iron can help cure gastritis and ulcers.

If you want to improve your gastritis using spinach , you must mix 200 milliliters of spinach juice with 300 ml with carrot juice, taking a little of this every day you can improve the condition of gastritis and relieve it as you consume it.

Does it help control hypertension?

Consuming spinach can help you prevent various cardiovascular diseases , and according to a Swedish study, consuming spinach regularly can help keep your blood pressure level.

It has also been shown that the organic nitrates contained in spinach that when in contact with oral bacteria can produce nitric oxide, and it is this oxide that makes the arteries open so that blood pressure improves.

This does not make spinach a drug or some kind of treatment , the only thing it works for is that it can help us prevent any problems that may arise in our cardiovascular system.

What benefits does it bring for diabetes?

Spinach can have great benefits, especially to help treat a complex condition like diabetes . These are its benefits:

  • Calories: Spinach is quite low in calories. At least 1 cup of raw spinach contains just 7 calories, this makes it excellent for those who have diabetes as it helps them maintain a good diet. In addition, it improves the condition of your body, since having few calories helps to lose body weight. Which also reduces glucose levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol.
  • Carbohydrates: one of the good things about spinach is that it has few carbohydrates, it barely reaches 0.38 grams per cup. Which makes it one of the best options you can use to lower glucose. Since normally those foods that have carbohydrates can increase the glucose in the blood.
  • Satiety: being diabetic makes you have to eat certain foods without starch, but since spinach does not have large amounts of it, the best thing you can do is consume it as many times as you want. You can even consume a large amount of it, possibly even filling up, so in case you have lunch and are left hungry you can have some spinach with tomatoes , pepper and balsamic vinegar .
  • Considerations: Spinach has no cholesterol at all and only 0.12 grams of fat per serving. So if you want to keep this from being the case, you should try not to add butter, or dressings that have a lot of fat, as it affects the composition of the spinach and what you consume. For example consuming it, with cream is not healthy for you to consume. However, if you use ingredients like skim cottage cheese it can be a great help for your health and your diet.

Helps relieve diarrhea

Spinach can help improve constipation , and it can also prevent diarrhea, all thanks to fiber insoluble it has, and this fiber cannot be digested by the gastrointestinal system, which makes it capable of attracting water almost like a sponge. When it passes through the large intestine, it shapes the stool.

As water is absorbed, the volume of the stool can increase , which makes it much more solid, and allows this to accumulate a little as it goes through the intestine, for this reason it is necessary that you take into account the consumption, to that you can not overdo it when consuming it.

Spinach types

There are several types of spinach that you can consume , and that vary according to the leaves they have, and the season in which they are harvested.


These can be eaten fresh , they can also withstand high cold temperatures , so they are great to grow in the winter. They are easy to market and export as they are very strong in any type of transfer.


These can usually be found frozen or in cans , which is why they are quite popular, and can be found in the farthest places.


It can be eaten raw, boiled, steamed, or poached , it can be used for the preparation of various salads, creams, soups, stews, and as a garnish or decoration in many other recipes.

It should be noted that the latter can serve as a great medicinal tool since it brings the following benefits:


Coming from Tartary, which is currently Central Asia and the extreme south of Europe. It is a plant that grows at least up to two meters in height , and its leaves can be triangular in shape.


They can be eaten raw, and they usually sell it packaged according to the company that distributes them , you can eat them alone, or add them as a garnish in any dish you want.

Medicinal uses of spinach

You can use them to improve intestinal transit, in addition, as it has a large amount of vitamins and minerals, they can provide you with antioxidant properties , so it will be the best food you can consume, in addition to having a low amount of hydrates and lipids, as well as cholesterol and fat, so it can be useful for you if you plan to start a balanced diet. You must take into consideration that if you plan to use it to improve your health , they should have a bright green color, and they should not have any type of colored spots since this may reflect that the plant has some fungi.

What diseases does it prevent?

Thanks to the properties it contains, spinach has great healing powers . It is a natural diuretic, so it can become your ally for obesity problems and fluid retention. For this, all you have to do is consume the spinach leaves while raw, you can do this in salads or whatever dish you want.

Its leaves are also a great antioxidant, so you can prevent diseases that can be degenerative , such as cancer, from appearing . The best thing you can do to take advantage of this benefit is to make a spinach soup. You can cook the leaves in a liter of water, and once it boils you take them to the blender. If you want, you can add other vegetables that are also antioxidants, such as basil or carrot.

Also, if you are someone who suffers from anemia or constant fatigue, you can eat all the spinach you want . Due to the large amount of iron it has. In addition, you will improve the function of the circulatory system, and eliminate bad cholesterol that is in the blood. Therefore, consuming it in salads and soups can be a great solution for your health.

Side effects and risks of consuming spinach

Just as spinach brings many benefits, it can also have some consequences if its consumption is not done in a measured way.

  • Kidney stones: when we eat spinach we are also ingesting a substance called oxalate, the excess of this substance in the body can lead to a disease called oxaluria, in which oxalate crystals fuse with the calcium there is in the kidneys, and form kidney stones. These once formed, can cause great pain in the lower back, genitals, or the inner thighs. You can also have urinary problems, nausea or abdominal inflammation.
  • Iron Absorption : While spinach is known to have large amounts of iron, it can sometimes be difficult for the body to absorb. Since when oxalates can combine with iron, which causes an interference in the ability of the body to absorb it. That is why it is recommended that if you are going to consume spinach, try to have it accompanied by a citrus fruit, this because vitamin C helps prevent this process from occurring and that the absorption of iron can be much greater.
  • Gastrointestinal Issues: Spinach also has a large amount of dietary fiber, which is good, as it can help with good digestion. However, when it is consumed in large quantities, it can end up affecting as it produces certain gastrointestinal problems, such as cramps, bloating of the abdomen, constipation, flatulence or diarrhea. In case you are experiencing these types of symptoms, it is best to put aside, or at least reduce the intake of spinach. Consuming small amounts will allow your body to regulate itself again.

Spinach or Swiss chard, which is better?

Although both belong to the same family, they do not have the same nutrients , and they are also often used interchangeably. For one thing, spinach has protein, calcium, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, and potassium. Chard also has this type of properties but in a lesser quantity.

Now, if we go to iron, chard has much more iron than spinach . One last difference between these two is that spinach has the advantage that you can eat it raw, while chard must be cooked for consumption, however, it must be done with very little liquid, because otherwise, it will lose its nutrients. .

Differences between spinach and lettuce

Lettuce is one of the world’s favorites , especially for the preparation of salads, it is one of the most common, on the one hand, crepe lettuce is the one that is used the most, however the packaged lettuce salad is making its way Romaine and spinach, this one is becoming popular as both have far more nutrients than crinkle lettuce has.

The best thing about these last two is that they have a lot of nutrients that are excellent for improving the body:

  • Vitamin A : this is really important for the functions of the body, as it strengthens vision, growth and development. It also increases the production of red blood cells and strengthens the immune system. The amount to be consumed daily is 30,000 IU for men and 2,333 for women. Regarding this vitamin, spinach contains 2,813 IU per cup and romaine lettuce has 4,094 IU per cup.
  • Vitamin K : this is excellent for improving blood clotting, as well as for strengthening the growth of cells and bones. The consumption of vitamin K in men should be about 120 mcg, and in the case of women it should be about 90 mcg. Now, the spinach in this case has 145 mcg per cup, while the romaine lettuce contains 48 mcg per cup.
  • Potassium: this is essential in the body, since it acts as an electrolyte, which makes it able to conduct electricity. Things like a regular heartbeat, and hydration of the body derive from the concentration of potassium, both inside and outside the cells. Potassium intake should be around 4,700 mg for both women and men. In this case, spinach has 167 mg per cup, while medium lettuce has 116 mg per cup.
  • Carotenoids : they are pigments of natural origin, which can improve many aspects of your body, so far there are about 600 carotenoids, among which we can name lutein, beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. As of now, there is no daily dose for women and men, however it is believed that at least 6 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin are needed. Now, spinach has 1688 mcg of beta carotene, and 3659 mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin per cup, while romaine lettuce has 2456 mcg of beta carotene, and 1087 mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin per cup.

Spinach combined with vegetables, benefits

Surely at some point someone may have recommended the use of green smoothies , however due to the strange color, or the combinations of vegetables that it has, you do not feel like trying them.

These green smoothies are drinks that have the combination of vegetables that have green leaves , as well as fruits and some herbs. Certain healthy fats are also added, such as almonds, hemp seeds, coconut, and linda. Many of the greens used are spinach, chard, mint, cabbage leaves , kale, and parsley.

The use of these drinks can bring a lot of benefits to your body , so we are going to what you can get when you start consuming these types of juices:

  1. Weight loss: these shakes are packed with many nutrients, vitamins, minerals and healthy carbohydrates, plus they mostly contain fiber, and by increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables your body will have the ability to eliminate excess fat. and to get rid of all the water that has accumulated from those toxins that can be stored in the body.
  2. You stay full: it is normal that we are hungry all the time, even when we have only a short time to eat. But consuming these juices can make you feel totally full, which will prevent you from eating between meals. You can have a green smoothie before each meal, and in this way you will see how you are going to eat much smaller portions, and avoid the “snacking” between meals.
  3. You create a good habit: we all have different tastes, and we do not like the same type of vegetables, consuming these types of juices can make you love those vegetables that you did not eat before, and that over time, not only them. you want to consume in smoothies but also as a vegetable itself.
  4. Prevents kidney stones: studies carried out were able to determine that those men who have a diet low in calcium are more likely to suffer kidney stones, than those who maintained a diet high in the same compound.
  5. Calm acid indigestion: heartburn or reflux can be calmed after consuming this type of green smoothie, since these are alkaline, so it is much easier to relieve pain and burning with this type of juices.
  6. They increase energy: starting your day with one of these shakes will be essential to improve your energy, since they have sugars that can cause them to be metabolized quickly. Now, if you are concerned that your juice has large amounts of sugar, you should not take this into account, since the combination of all these fruits and vegetables will always make the amount of it totally balanced.

Advantages and disadvantages of spinach

The amount of benefits that spinach brings to health are too many, since they have a large amount of vitamins , minerals , pigments, phytonutrients, such as potassium, iron, calcium , magnesium and manganese . One thing that makes it popular is that spinach can survive despite changes in the weather.

In addition to this there are several advantages that must be taken into account over spinach:

  • You avoid gastric ulcers: it has been shown that spinach has great powers that protect the stomach mucosa membrane, thus reducing the likelihood of gastric ulcers appearing. It can also strengthen the lining in the digestive tract, which prevents any type of inflammation from appearing at the site.
  • Protects the brain: some of the properties that spinach has, and other antioxidants can bring great neurological benefits for those who tend to consume it constantly. The folate it contains can reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer’s, and potassium can help improve brain health by increasing blood flow, concentration, neuronal activity, and clotting.
  • Reduces eye diseases: spinach is rich in beta carotene, lutein and xanthene, which is very good for strengthening vision. Normally when this is consumed, beta carotene goes directly to the eyes, that is why people who have vitamin A deficiencies or who present spikes in the eyes, can consume spinach to improve their health. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation or irritation of the eyes.
  • Regulates Blood Pressure: As it is high in potassium and low in sodium, it creates an excellent combination for those whose blood pressure is high. All of this causes potassium to lower blood pressure, while allowing sodium to rise. On the other hand, the folic acid it contains can reduce hypertension and also makes blood vessels relax. The stress of the cardiovascular system is reduced and the oxygenation of the organs increases.

Just as there are several advantages, spinach also has some disadvantages that should be taken into account:

  • Kidney stones: spinach contains a salt called oxalate, this normally binds with the mineral calcium. When there is an excess of calcium oxalate in the kidneys, hard compounds of a yellow color can form, these are called kidney stones, and they can become as large as a golf ball, which end up causing very severe pain in the back, or abdominal pain, also causes fever or often the presence of blood in the urine.
  • Damaged kidneys: as spinach has large amounts of potassium, you have to be very careful with this, because foods that are high in potassium can cause kidney damage to become severe, so the function of the kidneys can be reduced since potassium accumulates in the bloodstream , and ultimately heart rhythm problems occur.

Gastronomic use of spinach

Creamed spinach

If you want to use spinach to accompany it with your meals , making all kinds of recipes can be really good for your health, and what better way to do it than to use it as a garnish, that’s why we are going to give you the creamy spinach recipe, which make them very soft, rich and creamy.


  • Shall
  • Nutmeg
  • 100 ml cream (cream)
  • 400 g of spinach.
  • 200 ml of milk .
  • 2 tablespoons of flour.
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 5 g of butter.


In a pot you must melt the butter and add the onion, after about five minutes when the onion is soft you must add the flour and cook for another 2 minutes. After this time you must add the milk stirring little by little with a whisk, once this is done you must add the other ingredients and let it cook for about 5 more minutes, until you have a thick sauce.

Spinach au gratin with cheese

These are very tasty, and it is also an excellent technique for the little ones in the house to start eating vegetables . In this way, they will be filling up with great nutrients that can improve their health.


  • 2 bunches of cooked spinach.
  • 2 units of eggs .
  • 1 cup of grated cheese.
  • 1 cup of heavy cream.
  • 20 grams of butter .
  • 40 grams of Parmesan cheese.
  • 1 pinch of salt.
  • 1 pinch of black pepper


  1. In a pan over medium heat you must add the butter. When it melts you must add the cooked spinach.
  2. Add some salt and black pepper, as well as the garlic paste for some flavor.
  3. Remove the spinach from the heat and let it cool.
  4. Once cool, add the spinach to a bowl and add the eggs. You must blend them until you have a homogeneous mixture.
  5. Add the grated cheese and mix very well again.
  6. Add the cream and mix, do the same with the grated cheese.
  7. Take the mixture already ready to a refractory that is already previously greased.
  8. You must add the Parmesan cheese on top and then take it to the oven that should already be preheated, let it gratin for about 15 minutes.
  9. Serve this hot, you can accompany them with kitchen potatoes, or with a rich pasta salad.

Spinach ginger and lemon

This is a juice that will undoubtedly improve your body , especially since it has a large amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber that can help improve your health as soon as possible.



Add the pineapple juice, and then squeeze the lemon without letting the seed fall into it. Then disinfect the spinach leaves well and add them to the blender along with the grated ginger. Finally you must blend and serve until you see a medium thick consistency. As an additional tip you can freeze one pieces of pineapple and add them to the smoothie, they will be the richest ice cubes possible.

You can take this shake before leaving your house, or half an hour before exercising , as it can be essential to increase your energy and you can burn fat.

Spinach Nutrition Facts

Spinach that is fresh and cooked has a lot of macronutrients , for example, in a 100 gram serving that is roughly 3 1/3 cup of raw vegetables, or ½ of cooked spinach.

Each serving has:

The difference between fresh and cooked spinach is in the level of vitamins it can contain . For example, fresh spinach per 100 grams provides 47% of the daily value of vitamin C , while cooked only provides 16%. The same happens when we talk about folate, since fresh ones provide 49% while cooked spinach only provide 38%.

However, cooked spinach can provide much more vitamins A, B6, K, and riboflayin than fresh spinach. Now, in the content of macronutrients, both contain almost the same amount of calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium and iron, being cooked spinach the one that has a little higher each of these percentages except for potassium

Glycemic index

Spinach is low on the glycemic index , this is very good for people with diabetes as glucose is not going to rise, which can help regulate the amount of glucose added to the blood. For this reason, the most advisable thing in this case is to consume the spinach either raw or cooked, this will not alter the glucose level, so you can consume the amount you want. In addition, as they are low in calories and cholesterol, they can make you lose weight considerably, which is also very good for people with diabetes since it allows them to take care of their body a little more.

If you liked this article, we invite you to read Vitamin K: Contraindications, Benefits, Symptoms due to deficiency in addition to adequate dosage

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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