Jasmine Essential Oil: Contraindications, Medicinal Properties And Benefits

What is jasmine essential oil?

Jasmine is considered one of the most beautiful plants that exist , it has a large number of properties that can be cosmetic or medicinal.

Jasmine infusions and oils have the ability to combat a host of problems , such as insomnia, anxiety, and it has even been found to be an excellent natural diuretic.

It is also known for its great aroma, which is why its oils have been used to decorate rooms, for relaxing massages and even for esoteric activities.

Origin of jasmine essential oil

Jasmine comes from the regions of Eurasia, it was introduced by the Arabs , who gave it the name “Yasmyn” which means “The fragrant flower”. Today it is usually grown in large quantities in a town in the south of France called Grasse.

In this town the purest jasmine oil is prepared, the flowers are collected at night   or in the morning just before the sun rises, this to prevent that when the sun arrives, the properties and the jasmine oil disappear.

What are other names for jasmine essential oil?

It is believed that there are currently 20 types of jasmine species, the common scientific name is Jaminum officinale with which the original jasmine is known, and which is normally used for flower arrangements and decorations.

However, one of the most used to extract the oil and is characterized by being the species with a much more concentrated perfume, it is called Jasminum grandiflorum, which is one of the most popular that exists.

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Jasmine essential oil characteristics

As for the jasmine plant, it is composed by being an evergreen climber , its stems are usually quadrangular, a little dark green and highly branched. Its leaves can be arranged alternately or opposite.

Its flowers are white , although in some species the color changes and can be yellow or reddish. Its calyx is tubular with five petals and two stamens that are attached to the tube by a colora that has yellow anthers. The fruits of this plant are berries that turn black when ripe, which have 4 seeds.

As for jasmine oil, there are several characteristics that should be highlighted:

  • The oil has a dark red color and a viscous texture.
  • Its aroma can combine with other floral or citrus oils.
  • It is obtained from the flowers when they are ripe.

Chemical composition of jasmine essential oil

Jasmine contains more than 100 important components , among which the following stand out:

  • Phenylacetyl acid.
  • Benzyl alcohol.
  • Methyl anthranilate.
  • Cis-jasmono.
  • Methyl jasmonate.

This type of oil can combine very well with other base oils such as rose oil, sandalwood, clary sage, and most all citrus oils.

How is jasmine essential oil extracted?

Jasmine oil is extracted from its flowers , these must be collected exactly at night or at dawn before sunrise, this is because once the sun reaches the flower petals, the oils evaporate .

One of the data that must be taken into account is that to create just one absolute kilogram of jasmine, about 750 kilos of flowers are needed , that is why this oil as such is one of the most expensive that exists.

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Recommended dosage of jasmine essential oil

In the case of jasmine, you have to be very careful, most essential oils cannot be applied directly to the skin , because due to their strong and pure content, they can end up damaging some types of skin.

It is necessary that if it is to be applied on the skin, it is necessary that 98% of the preparation be made of a conductive substance such as creams or neutral oils such as coconut and olive, which serve as the base of this oil. The other 2% must be essential oil, it is the exact amount necessary for any type of application.

Benefits and properties of jasmine essential oil

There are a large number of benefits and properties that jasmine oil can provide for the body, and that can end a large number of skin problems , for that reason it is one of the most popular on the market.

These are some properties that jasmine oil contains:

  • It works as a stimulant.
  • It is a great pain reliever.
  • It has antiseptic properties.
  • It works as an anti-inflammatory.
  • It is an efficient bactericide.
  • It is also an antispasmodic that can be used for muscle cramps.
  • It can help mentally, increasing self-esteem and libido.
  • It has the ability to relax and at the same time improve your mood.

It is good for hair, how to use it?

In the case of jasmine oil, it should be mixed with an infusion of tea and let them combine for about 24 hours, after this they can be applied to the hair, it provides a number of benefits.

It allows the hair to grow much stronger , makes it healthier and eliminates hair loss, improves circulation in the scalp and cleanses the hair follicles, eliminating excess fat, also reducing the chances of suffering some kind of dandruff.

For more information on this topic, we invite you to read  How to get rid of dandruff?

What benefits does it bring for the skin and face?

In the case of the skin, jasmine can help to obtain a lot of benefits, among them it can treat dry skin that can be constantly irritated , because it can maintain good skin hydration.

Now, for oily skin it also works since it can balance the sebaceous secretions that are responsible for producing oil in the skin. At the same time it can reduce skin blemishes and regenerate the skin, which can help improve the appearance of scars and eliminate wrinkles and fine lines.

Serves to lose weight jasmine essential oil

Studies have been able to show that there is a great relationship between consuming jasmine and reducing skin fat , this is because it has the ability to eliminate the cells that produce fat in the body.

However, a great deal of care has to be taken since it is not normally advisable to consume the oil but it is also advised that it be consumed in the form of tea or flavoring , although the results with the flavoring is not totally effective, it can help . The best way to do this is by consuming infusions of jasmine tea.

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Pregnancy and jasmine essential oil

In the case of the use of jasmine during the pregnancy stages, there are a large number of tips that should be taken into account:

  • They should be used after the third month of gestation, this is because before the third month of gestation a spontaneous abortion can be caused.
  • It is necessary that if you are going to buy jasmine it is a totally natural oil since many times they tend to sell synthetic oils that in the end do not bring a good result for the skin.
  • The dosage should be recommended by a specialist, however the common recommendations are to use 2 to 4 drops for baths and 4 to 6 drops for skin use.
  • This type of oil should not be used for more than fifteen days as it can have counterproductive effects on the skin, if you want it to be used for longer, apply the oil one day if not one day, in this way you will use them all month to half of consumption.
  • Before using this product you have to consult with your doctor to avoid any type of allergic reaction and verify if the conditions of pregnancy are completely safe to use oils.

Jasmine is good as it serves to alleviate the symptoms that remain after childbirth , especially anxiety, depression, muscle pain and low spirits that can occur after childbirth. Jasmine oil is also believed to have the ability to increase breast milk production. And reduce the appearance of stretch marks, and improve healing after cesarean sections,

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Is jasmine essential oil good for babies?

One of the things that jasmine oil has is that it is quite good for babies, especially when they are disturbed by colic or cannot sleep, applying a few drops can be the great solution.

What is needed is to place two drops of this essential oil on his pillow , in the same way they can be added to an environmental diffuser, this will have a relaxing effect so that the baby can have a much calmer night. If you want to use scented candles it is necessary that they are totally natural, since synthetic ones can be a bit toxic for children.

Cosmetic uses of jasmine essential oil

Jasmine essential oil can be used on all skin types , as well as the most delicate as it helps soothe irritations. In addition, being moisturizing, it provides elasticity to the skin. It is used to improve the appearance of stretch marks, scars and to eliminate facial conditions such as acne.

It also has the following properties that the skin can receive to improve its appearance and condition:

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Medicinal properties of jasmine essential oil

There are a host of medicinal properties   that can help combat many health problems. These are the main medicinal uses that jasmine has for the body:

  1. It works as an antispasmodic that can be used to treat cramps and coughs.
  2. It improves self-esteem, and has the ability to generate much more sexual attraction and increase libido in women.
  3. It can help treat anorgasmia, impotence, frigidity, and ejaculation.
  4. It has the ability to increase the production of breast milk during lactation.
  5. It can combat sleep problems, allowing a perfect rest and eliminating the side effects of insomnia.

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Jasmine essential oil against cancer, is it good?

Studies have determined that jasmine has the ability to reduce tumors that may be in the body, since it eliminates cancer cells and allows them not to spread throughout the area.

It is even believed that after the baby is born, jasmine oil can protect the uterine area and also ensure that there is no type of cancer cell that can cause any type of damage to the uterus.

How is jasmine essential oil used for massages?

For times of stress and muscle aches, jasmine can help improve a lot of problems with muscle aches and stress, the important thing is to consider which oil to combine.

The components of the combination can make it an invigorating oil or a calming one , the important thing is to use them and apply them to the skin with circular massages, in order to solve any type of pain that may be in the body.

Aromatherapy and jasmine essential oil

Aromatherapy is one of the largest uses that has been given to jasmine oil , because its strong and characteristic smell has a lot of benefits when inhaling it, you only have to add about 6 drops in a little water and put them in the diffuser so that any room can soak up the magnificent scent of jasmine flowers.

These are some of the benefits that are obtained when using this oil in aromatherapy:

  1. It works as a sedative that can calm many episodes of anxiety.
  2. It allows to improve self-esteem by providing greater security and confidence in people.
  3. It can increase concentration and improve memory.
  4. In cases of depression it can bring symptoms of happiness and tranquility.
  5. Jasmine oil works as an aphrodisiac since it has positive effects on people with impotence or frigidity problems.
  6. It can be used in massages to strengthen the female reproductive system, always with a base cream.
  7. It allows to change muscle aches either due to stress or accidents.
  8. Relieves common menstrual pains, with small massages in the area.
  9. Combat dry skin, and irritations caused by allergies or stings.

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How to make homemade jasmine essential oil?

To make jasmine essential oil, you will need about 100 grams of flowers , these flowers usually secrete very little oil, so a large number of flowers must be needed so that the oil can have a large amount.

Then all the flowers must be crushed in a mortar , once they are well chopped into small pieces, it is added in a glass jar that has a hermetic closure. Almond oil is one of the best that all jasmine oil can absorb.

The flowers are introduced into the bottle and the petals are covered with almond oil , the bottle must be closed and allowed to marinate for a month, it is stored in a place where there can be no type of light or humidity. The jar is stirred little by little at least every day.

After the month, the oil must be taken and transferred to a jar in which new flowers must be added, already crushed previously, it is closed and left to rest for another three weeks . If you want to have a totally pure oil, you can repeat the step of adding new flowers and wait about three more weeks.

After this time, the oil should be filtered and it can be used quietly, however, it should not be used for ingestion, it should be used for topical use, on the skin and on the hair.

Jasmine essential oil contraindications

This oil is considered to be very safe , as it does not have the ability to irritate or cause any type of toxicity to the skin. But it is considered that this should be used with great caution as it can end up being a bit dangerous in exaggerated doses.

Oral use is not recommended , however no side effects have been shown as long as it is used with a safe carrier oil. In the same way, it is recommended to use it previously in a very small dose to rule out any type of allergy that may arise.

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Almost all essential oils

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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