Birch Essential Oil: Side Effects, Properties And Benefits

Birch is a tree with white or silver bark when it is young, over time it becomes cracked, with flexible branches, bright green triangular leaves; It reaches 30 meters in height, the flowers grow in a cluster and are yellow in color; These clusters are usually male (which fall when they have fulfilled their mission) and the female ones that remain to produce the fruit.

This tree has a main asset such as its high content of essential oils, which give it therapeutic properties, which is why it is widely used in natural medicine.

What is birch essential oil?

Birch essential oil is derived from the birch tree, it is obtained from the bark and has laxative, diuretic, slimming, analgesic and antiseptic properties. The leaves highlight the healing, anti-inflammatory, purifying, deodorizing and aromatic properties.

So it is widely used in the field of health, beauty and aromatherapy.

Origin of birch essential oil

The birch tree is sourced from Southwest Asia, specifically Caucasus, Turkey, and Canada.

It spread throughout Europe, in mountainous areas and Africa; grows in humid, arid areas, ferrous and sandy soils, it is a very resistant tree.

Birch essential oil history

Before paper appeared, the bark of the birch tree was used for writing, so in the Indian language (Sanskrit bhurga) it was called ” tree where it is written on its bark “.

Due to the flexibility of the branches, they were used as an instrument of flagellation and discipline. It is considered a sacred tree, the Christians said that they were at the entrance to paradise; shamans used it for exorcisms and to ward off evil spirits; in china it represented the sentimental situation that the woman presented, depending on the part of the tree she used.

It was in the middle of the Middle Ages that the medicinal use of this tree was discovered, thanks to the studies carried out by the religious superior Abbess Hidegarda. One of its main healing properties was to use it as a diuretic, eliminating any discomfort that caused fluid retention.

Over the years, all the benefits of birch essential oil have been deepened, making it one of the natural treatment for diseases related to circulation.

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Birch essential oil characteristics

Birch is a tree that reaches heights of up to 30 meters, with white and silver bark; the leaves are petiolate, heart-shaped and serrated at the tip; of unisexual flowers, grouped in the shape of a yellow-green hanging raceme and winged fruits (samaras).

From there a brown to orange oil (bark), brown to green color, product of the leaves is released; Very pungent characteristic wood smell.

Birch essential oil scientific name

Birch comes from the Celtic name Betula, the Celtic language betu which means white birch, a name assigned to it by the color of its bark.

It is known by the name of a deciduous tree, because it loses part of its leaves and flowers in cold weather.

Chemical composition of birch essential oil

Birch essential oil has a chemical composition of 0.04-1% essential oil, it comprises 98% monotropitoside (anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic property), the main heteroside component, betulin 10% (birch camphor).

Flavonoids 2-3% hyperoside, rutoside, kenferol, quercitroside, myricitros Tetracyclic triterpenes derived from damarene (betulafoldiendiol, -triol and -tetrol) and lupane (betulinol, betunilic acid)

Among other components vitamin C, carotenes, phenolic acids, catechic tannins, nicotinic acid, bi procyanidols and triflavonoids.

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How is birch essential oil extracted?

The process to extract the essential oil of birch is through decantation; Depending on the place where the process will be carried out, a container should be placed as a base, inside it another container with a hole underneath is placed, with the tree bark, seal the container and place over high heat, until the oil comes off of the crust and fall into the other container. Take care that no type of foreign agents fall from the environment that counteract the properties of the essential oil.

When removing from the heat after a good time, approximately 2 hours, the container containing the crust is removed and the second container where the oil fell.

Remove it from that container and place it in another glass one, preferably sterilized and with a hermetic lid so that the natural properties of this birch essential oil do not escape.

Recommended dosage of birch essential oil

Due to its toxic effects, its use is recommended in minimal amounts and combined with other vegetable oil; and in amounts between 30-60 drops daily, three times a day, without exceeding it.

Active principles of birch essential oil

Among the active principles of birch essential oil are:

  • tetracyclic triterpenes derived from lupane and damarene;
  • essential oil 0.04 – 1%,
  • flavonoids 2-3%,
  • cathekic tannin,
  • phenolic acids,
  • nicotinic acid,
  • C vitamin,
  • triviflavonoids;
  • procyanidols of bi.

Benefits and properties of birch essential oil

Birch oil is an oily substance, and within the properties it possesses are derived such as an anti-cellulite, antibacterial and antifungal potential, analgesic, diuretic, slimming and lipolytic (fluid retention), blood cleanser, laxative, of The oil is extracted from the leaves that is used as an anti-inflammatory.

According to the properties, the following health benefits that birch essential oil provides:

One of the most popular is its use against infectious cellulite and orange peel; prevents hair loss and helps strengthen the hair follicles on the scalp.

Useful for cleaning and disinfecting wounds; gargles can be done to treat throat infections; treatments to treat the skin for blemishes, lightening of freckles and pimples on the face; soothe rheumatic and arthritic pain, used externally; reduces the bad smell in the feet, product of the microbes that are formed by excessive sweating; prevents viruses from spreading and lingering.

Like other essential oils, it should not be used in its pure form, because birch oil has very strong components that can cause irritation to sensitive skin and organisms.

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It is good for hair, how is it used?

Birch essential oil provides benefits for the hair such as preventing hair loss (alopecia), as well as controlling the proliferation of dandruff, which causes irritation and dryness on the scalp.

One way to use it is to rub or massage the scalp, in the morning and at night, it will allow its action to be more effective.

What benefits does it bring for the skin and face?

Thanks to its astringent effects, birch oil can be used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and avoid congestion of the pores, which cause pimples or pimples to form; helps in cleaning and healing wounds, thanks to its antiseptic effect.

It is an ingredient in lotions or creams, used to treat these skin conditions.

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Does birch essential oil help you lose weight?

Among the main properties of birch essential oil is its diuretic effect, it allows the body to release toxins through urine in an effective, safe and proven way, preventing fluid retention by eliminating the accumulation of fat in the body. .

It works with the liver so that the production of bile is more effective and allows the elimination of fat through the feces.

The use of birch essential oil is more effective if it is accompanied with a balanced diet and an exercise routine.

For wrinkles and acne

Birch essential oil has astringent properties that helps to eliminate and keep the skin free of toxins, which lead to the formation of pimples on the face and the consequent growth of acne; In relation to wrinkles, it does not have a direct effect on them, however, it helps to keep the skin hydrated and free of infections, which can be a complement to make the skin look healthier.

Pregnancy and birch essential oil

The use of birch essential oil is not recommended for use during pregnancy, because its effects have not been proven.

If the person wishes to use it while pregnant, they must do so under strict medical supervision.

During lactation it is safe to use

It is not safe or proven what effects the use of birch essential oil produces during breastfeeding.

It is recommended that, if you have any doubts, consult and test the possible contributions that you can make during this stage.

However, there is still no proven evidence that it can be used while breastfeeding.

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Is Birch Essential Oil Good For Babies?

Although it is true that birch essential oil has natural medicinal properties for health, its use in babies has not been proven, since it can cause an allergic reaction to some component.

Birch essential oil as an insecticide

Product of the distillation of birch bark, birch essential oil is extracted, which among its uses is to act as a protector of leather materials (birch tar), against insects; however, its properties are used directly in the fields of medicine, health and cosmetics.

Cosmetic uses of birch essential oil

The only cosmetic use that has been given to birch oil is for its anti-cellulite effect, because it contributes to the elimination of accumulated fat nodules in the area of ​​the skin affected by cellulite, giving it a visibly firmer, rejuvenated and toned, as well as contributing to cell hydration and avoiding fatty fluid retention.

Medicinal properties of birch essential oil

Birch essential oil acts as a blood cleanser, contributes to the elimination of kidney stones, a powerful diuretic that stimulates the elimination of fatty fluids, has anti-inflammatory properties against osteoarthritis and arthritis; contributes to reducing the level of uric acid in the body; treat urinary tract infections, urethritis, nephritis, digestive tract conditions; diarrhea and colitis; Due to its febrifuge properties, it helps in respiratory diseases.

Birch essential oil against cancer, is it good?

Although its components include betulin and betulinic acid (tree bark), which have certain anticancer and antitumor properties, their use against this disease has not been developed.

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How is birch essential oil used for massages?

Massage is a therapy performed with gentle movements to treat a part of the body affected by a discomfort; One way to use birch essential oil is: 2 drops of birch oil, ginger oil, tea tree and natural vegetable oil, apply it to the affected area, it will help reduce inflammation, pain and redness of the skin.

Another way to use it is to apply a few drops of birch essential oil along with lavender and peppermint oil, gently massaging the throat, chest and back, it will help decongest the airways.

Aromatherapy and essential oil of birch

Birch essential oil is very stimulating when used with a diffuser or placed in an aroma lamp, because it awakens and enlivens the senses, provides mental clarity, allows for ordering thoughts; mixed with incense brings the person to a state of meditation free from obsessive thoughts and mental instability.

How to make birch essential oil at home?

There is a very simple way to make birch essential oil:

Place pieces of birch bark, place half of water in a pot, insert a metal strainer so that it does not touch the water, inside the strainer place a metal cup, around the cup place the pieces of bark, check that does not have contact with water.

Cover the pot, place in the kitchen over high heat, bring to a boil and lower the heat. If the water level has dropped, add hot water again, taking care not to touch the crust. This process causes the oil contained in the crust to come off and adhere to the lid of the pot and around the bowl.

Check until all the oil is released; then turn off, let it cool down and wait for the oil to drain into the bowl; Leave it in the refrigerator together with the water for approximately 1 hour and when a solid substance is observed, pour it into a sterilized glass container and cover it, keep it in the refrigerator for 24 hours, after that time has elapsed, you can start using it. birch essential oil.

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Birch essential oil side effects

  • This essential oil tends to be toxic, so it is recommended to use it with caution.
  • It can cause an allergic reaction and complicate any condition that occurs, with its use.
  • People with hypertension, heart problems or diseases should not consume it, because it would complicate their condition.
  • It can cause an abortion.

Birch Essential Oil Safety Sheet

  • Synonym: Betula pendula Roth
  • Physical-chemical data: Birch oil extract: Clear liquid with a color between brown and orange, characteristic odor; Density: 0.970-0.996 g / ml.
  • Dry extract: brown to dark green powder, hygroscopic, characteristic and strong odor. Drug / extract ratio 3-4.
  • Properties and uses: The different birch oils are obtained from the leaves, bark, buds and sap. lavonoids (3%), essential oil (1%), triterpenes, such as betulinic acid and betulinol, potassium salts (4%), tannins (10%, especially in the bark), and ascorbic acid (5%), that confer diuretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, healing, antipyretic, astringent, antidiarrheal properties, it is used to treat fevers, osteoarticular inflammation, headaches, febrile syndrome; topically for psoriasis, cellulite, wound healing, eczema, alopecia.
  • Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to salicylates.
  • Precautions: Control its use during pregnancy and lactation, patients with gastrointestinal problems, epilepsy, Parkinson’s. Its use in cardiac and hypertensive conditions must be under medical supervision. Due to its high alcohol content, it should not be used in children under 2 years of age; patients with anticoagulant treatments, its use is not recommended.
  • Conservation: in tightly closed glass containers; protect from light.

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Kathie Sand always saw the world of beauty as the terrain on which to build her professional career, a goal that was clear to her when she was only 15 years old. Her great concern to expand knowledge led her to settle in Paris where she studied hand in hand with the best beauty professionals and with the most advanced techniques for skin care.

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